Hi, I’m Duygu Rabeya Atacan Daniels. I was born in Ankara (1986) and grew up moving between Istanbul, Yalova, Chicago, New York, New Jersey, California and now Austin, Texas⎯never in one town long enough to call it home. I taught myself how to code and began building websites in 1997, eventually switching to designing mobile apps with the introduction of the iPhone. I specialize in early stage startups as a Founding Designer.

I started photography with a Kodak DC290, Canon AE-1 and Holga and studied the business of Fashion in college. I paused my education to launch my first venture in 2006 with my friend Cem. I’m a Master of Divinity dropout and a Shadhili Sufi studying Islamic and Christian mysticism under various teachers for over fifteen years, with a particular interest in the history of corruption in theology and religion, finding the “middle path”, spiritual empowerment and pleasure. 

After failing to create the next social network, I went back to blogging where I share photos more casually. Thanks for visiting, hope you check back and I’d love to hear from you.